Reasons Why You Should Join NIIS, And Its Online Membership Portal.

Reasons Why You Should Join NIIS, And Its Online Membership Portal.


We live in a time where the Internet has become inseparable from our daily lives to the point that most of us cannot imagine living without it. For many young people and even adults, the Internet is now an important part of their life; this has led to many web portals for organizations, individuals, and businesses.

The NIIS online web portal is a critical component of this institute. It helps members utilize their benefits, log in to the system, and stay current with important information. The following article will briefly explain how our online web portal can benefit members and corporations.

Why should I use NIIS online portal?

The NIIS web portal is a membership management system, an online service within the organization that provides access to its members and corporations, making it easier for members to interact with the organization in different ways such as: accessing all certificates, resources, and program of the institute; transferring information between members; registering/signing up new members as well as finding out about upcoming events and It allows you to manage your membership, renewals, and cancellations. You can also view members’ profiles, award winners, and any other information about them.

You can also use the NIIS web portal to send out messages to members on their birthdays or send them reminders about upcoming events. The portal also provides access to the online payment system for members.

The main advantages of using the NIIS web portal are:

  • It is easy to use. The registration process takes less than 5 minutes and requires only an email address and password.
  • It is secure. The system uses strong encryption technology to protect your information from being stolen or hacked.
  • It has many features that make it easier to manage your membership and subscription. These features include:
    • Account maintenance – You can view all your accounts at any time by logging into your account and accessing your dashboard.
    • Certifications – You can view and download your certificates and CPE score from the portal
    • Renewal – You can renew or upgrade your membership through this portal when your membership has expired.
    • Events – Get updated on upcoming program courses and events
    • Manage your membership profile

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do I create an account?

Visit, and enter your details to start your registration. After signing up, click on the verification mail that will be sent to your email, and login into your account.

  • Is it secured to make membership subscription payments using the portal

Yes, the portal is integrated with a secured payment gateway to make all payments and transactions from any bank in Nigeria.

  • How do I retrieve my certificate from the portal?

After every certificate course has been offered in NIIS, your certificate and cpe score will be upload to your profile you can find your certificate under the membership menu on your dashboard.

  • How do I get my membership subscription invoice?

On every successful subscription, an invoice will be generated on your profile, you can find it under the membership menu on your dashboard.

For more inquiries, please contact us at


If you’ve never tried our web portal before, now is the perfect time to get started. NIIS Web portal can make keeping up with your membership much, much easier, and it allows you to have easy access to the information that you need when you need it. From renewals to account changes, from volunteer opportunities to security events – you will always be able to find what you’re looking for in an instant.

1 Comment

  • Laudable idea and good initiative. Please keep the flag of the institute flying.

    Gabriel Reply

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